To me, methought, who waited with a crowd,
There came a bark that, blowing forward, bore
King Arthur, like a modern gentleman
Of stateliest port; and all the people cried,
"Arthur is come again: he cannot die."

"Morte d'Arthur" (1842)
Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Arthuriana for Summer 2021 on Race and the Arthurian Legend

 A belated post. 

The most recent number of Arthuriana (for Summer 2021) was a special issue on "Race and the Arthurian Legend." Further details ate available from the journal's website at

Table of Contents



Richard Sévère 3

The Fragile Giant 

Wan-Chuan Kao

Romans, Celts, and ‘Others’: Residual Colonial Models and Race in Contemporary Arthurian Novel

Amelia A. Rutledge 40 


Writing Arthur’s Shadow and Speaking Otherwise  

Matthew Xavier Vernon 61


Broken Dreams: Medievalsim, Mulataje, and Mestizaje in the Work of Alejandro Tapia y Rivera

Nahir I. Otaño Gracia 77 


‘Many straunge synges and tokyns’: The Affective Power of Sir Thomas Malory’s Palomides

Kavita Mudan Finn 108 

An Arthurian Empire of Magic, and its Discontents: An Afterword

Geraldine Heng 124



News and Notes from the North American Branch 139  

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C. Girbea, M. Voicu, I. Panzaru, C. Anton, and A. Popescu, eds., Miroirs arthuriens entre images et mirages: Actes du XXXIVe Congrès de la Societé Internationale Arthurienne

Amy E. Brown 170


Ann Howey, Afterlives of the Lady of Shalott and Elaine of Astolat

Roger Simpson 171 


Anna Karin, Männliche Hauptfiguren im ‘Tristan’ Gottfrieds von Strassburg. Characterisierung, Konstellation und Red  

Charles Taggart 173 


Tim William Machan and Jón Karl Helgason, eds., From Iceland to the Americas: Vinland and Historial Imagination

David F. Johnson 175 


Joanne Parker and Corinna Wagner, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Victorian Medievalism  

Kevin J. Harty 177