To me, methought, who waited with a crowd,
There came a bark that, blowing forward, bore
King Arthur, like a modern gentleman
Of stateliest port; and all the people cried,
"Arthur is come again: he cannot die."

"Morte d'Arthur" (1842)
Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Arthuriana for Spring 2019 Out Now

Arthuriana Vol. 29, No. 1 for Spring 2019 is now available to subscribers and on Project MUSE. The contents are as follows. The main section is a special issue on "Malorian and Scholarly Retraction.

‘But rather I wolde sey: here in thys worlde he chaunged hys lyff ’: Malorian and Scholarly Retraction
Karen Cherewatuk and Meg Roland

Retraction and the Making of Arthurian Texts
Michael W. Twomey

Malory’s Lancelot: Not ‘Either/Or’ but ‘Both/And’
Karen Cherewatuk

‘But that was but favour of makers’: Retractions, Editions, and Authorship in Malory’s Le Morte Darthur
Meg Roland

Malory’s Political Views: My Final Retraction
Edward Donald Kennedy

Memory and Losing One’s Head in Malory’s Morte Darthur
Catherine Batt

Mordred’s Lost Childhood
Elizabeth Archibald

Memories of War: Retracting the Interpretive Tradition of the Alliterative Morte Arthure
Fiona Tolhurst and K.S. Whetter

Malory’s Death Poem
Thomas H. Crofts

*Winner of the ‘Fair Unknown’ Award*
‘And there she lete make herself a nunne’: Guinevere’s Afterlife as a Nun in British Culture of the Mid-Nineteenth to Early Twentieth Century
Ellie Crookes

The Round Table: News from the IAS-NAB


Laura Chuhan Campbell, The Medieval Merlin Tradition in France and Italy: Prophecy, Paradox, and Translatio
Florence Marsal

Katherine Barnes Echols, King Arthur and Robin Hood on the Radio: Adaptations for American Listeners
Dan Nastali

Joshua Byron Smith, Walter Map and the Matter of Britain
Elizabeth M. Willingham

Leah Tether, Publishing the Grail in Medieval and Renaissance France
Leona Archer

Raymond H. Thompson, The Swan Maiden
Norris J. Lacy